ADELAIDE CHIROPRACTOR, IN WOODVILLE PARK, OF ADELAIDE AREA, IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA. -WELCOME TO OUR CLINIC- -OPEN WEEKEND & AFTER HOURS WITH AN APPOINTMENT -PARKING ON-SITE- PHONE: 08-8244 2442 MOBILE: 0418 895 070 FAX: 08-8244 2442, EMAIL: ---CLINIC: 711 PORT ROAD, WOODVILLE PARK, SA 5011. -CLINIC IS ON THE PORT ROAD SIDE, GOING TOWARDS ADELAIDE, AFTER BUS STOP 19, ON THE SIDE OF THE PORT ROAD GOING TOWARDS ADELAIDE- -OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK, AFTER HOURS & WEEK-END CHIROPRACTIC TREATMENT WITH AN APPOINTMENT- -Please, make an appointment here today, to relieve your family's musculo-skeletal aches and pains -PARKING ON-SITE- --EVERYTHING IS DONE PROPERLY HERE WITH ONLY APPROVED METHODS. -People get varying results depending on the injury, and age that the person brings in. --ONE TREATMENT IS NOT GOING TO FIX A PERSON'S PROBLEMS, AND TREATMENTS WEAR OFF OVER TIME & NEED TO BE DONE AGAIN, SAY MONTHLY MAINTENANCE TREATMENTS FOR RECURRING PAINS, OR ACCIDENTS. THESE ARE CALLED WELLNESS TREATMENTS BY OTHERS -IF YOU FOLLOW NO INSTRUCTIONS, & DO NOT TAKE A FEW TREATMENTS FOR YOUR INJURY, YOU CANNOT ACHIEVE REASONABLE RESULTS. -THERE IS NO CURE ALL IN ADJUSTMENTS, OR MANIPULATION TREATMENTS, OR ULTRASOUND TREATMENTS. IF YOU HAVE OTHER DISEASES, FOR EXAMPLE ARTHRITIS, YOU MAY NEED MEDICATION IN ADDITION TO ADJUSTMENTS, OR MANIPULATIONS, OR ULTRASOUND TREATMENTS. --Reasonable expectations are held here, for what chiropractic manipulations, and ultrasound treatments can improve, alleviate, and maintain for you in your injuries, sports injuries, sickness, and your diseases. --PARKING ON SITE-- -Experienced & Caring -Clinic open from 1972 -Over 30 years experience -Qualified in treatment -We have a DIPLOMA IN CHIROPRACTIC & OSTEOPATHY, -REGISTERED, & MEMBER OF CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION & COCA. -PAYMENT AFTER TREATMENT PLEASE: -ON SITE PRIVATE HEALTH FUNDS CLAIMS, or EFTPOS PAYMENTS OF VISA, OR MASTERCARD available to pay for treatment taken. -HICAPS MACHINE IS ON SITE TO CLAIM ON MOST PRIVATE HEALTH FUNDS. -Credit Cards, Debit Cards, American Express Card, Diners Club Card, or Cash Payments are accepted for treatment payment. -You can take any number of chiropractic & ultrasonic treatments from 1 to any number here- -Usually you need to take at least 2 treatments to start seeing some improvement, depending on the condition that you bring here for treatment, and the underlying pathology in the condition, such as strained muscle, sprained ligaments, and some arthritis that may also be present there - A REALISTIC EXPECTATION ON YOUR PART IS NEEDED FOR WHAT CAN BE ACHIEVED BY ADJUSTMENTS, OR MANIPULATIONS, OR ULTRASOUND THERAPY, OR SOFT TISSUE WORK. ADELAIDE FAMILY CHIROPRACTOR -WORKCOVER & DVA APPROVED, CAR ACCIDENT CLAIMS. -X-Rays paid under Medicare. -Also, GENERAL MEDICAL PRACTITIONER REFERRED CARE PLANS under MEDICARE, are BULK BILLED IN OUR CLINIC HERE. -Affordable, Experienced & Caring. -TECHNIQUES used here: -Diversified Manipulation Adjustment Techniques -Activator Adjustment Techniques, -Impulse Adjusting System Techniques, and other Adjustments by hand, or Manipulations for the whole body by hand, for the whole family to reduce your pain. -Soft Tissue Treatments are done also. -ULTRASOUND TREATMENTS WITH GEL ARE ALSO DONE HERE. -WE PROVIDE: caring Treatments 7 Days a Week, After Hours and Week-End with an Appointment, for a variety of modern, Chiropractic, and Ultrasonic Treatments for the relief of: spine pain, neck pain, thoracic pain, lumbar spine pain, sacro-iliac regions pain, sports injuries pain, cervicogenic headaches and migraine pain, in different areas of the head, cervicogenic migraines pain, leg pain, foot pain, arm pain, sprained muscles, sprained ligaments, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, shoulder, scapula, rotator cuff, elbow, wrist, hand, foot pains, and sprains, knee pain, and strains, musculo-skeletal problems pain, and regular general pain care. -Spine X-rays are under Medicare. -WE PROVIDE: Manual manipulations, or Adjustments, Activator Adjustments, Impulse Adjusting System Adjustments, and other Soft Tissue Treatments. -Good Quality treatments and affordable. -Concessions if qualify. -We aim for good, high, quality treatments at an affordable price. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS ON ANY TREATMENTS, OR ANY WORK DONE HERE FOR YOU. YOUR PAYMENTS FOR OUR WORK DONE FOR YOU HERE, HELP PAY THE EXPENSES TO KEEP OUR CLINIC OPEN FOR YOU. -WE ARE NOT A CHARITY, AND WE NEED TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING IN OUR CLINIC TO KEEP IT OPEN FOR YOU. -IF YOU ARE UNHAPPY ABOUT ANYTHING, PLEASE TELL US, AND IF IT IS SAFE, WE WILL DO IT FOR YOU. YOU CAN SEE OTHER HEALTH PROFESSIONALS AT THE SAME TIME THAT YOU SEE US. OUR TREATMENTS ARE WHAT THEY USE IN OTHER CHIROPRACTIC SCHOOLS. WE DO NOT INVENT ANY METHODS OURSELVES. WE TRY TO KEEP OUR METHODS SAFE, EVERY TIME FOR YOU. YOU MAY TAKE PAIN KILLERS & VISIT THE HOSPITAL ALSO FOR YOUR PROBLEMS, OR SEE MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS AT THE SAME TIME TO MANAGE YOUR PROBLEMS. Member of Association, member of COCA, -Registered, and Qualified, -We have a Diploma in Chiropractic and Osteopathy -With over 30 years experience to reduce your musculo-skeletal pains for the whole family -We listen to your concerns to reduce your pain. -Experienced & Caring.- -we do what is possible with realistic expectations to what is possible to get done by MANIPULATIONS & ULTRASOUND TREATMENTS. - PLEASE, make an APPOINTMENT with us TODAY, for the relief of your whole family's spinal, and muscular aches and pains -We try for same day appointment- -TREATMENTS 7 DAYS A WEEK, AFTER HOURS & WEEK-END CHIROPRACTIC TREATMENT with an APPOINTMENT- ------CLINIC IS ON PORT ROAD SIDE, GOING UP TO ADELAIDE SIDE, & 7 BUILDINGS FROM BUS STOP 19 THERE.------ -CLINIC: 711 PORT ROAD, WOODVILLE PARK SA 5011. WELCOME TO OUR CLINIC- -PARKING ON-SITE- PHONE: 08-8244 2442 MOBILE: 0418 895 070 FAX: 08-8244 2442, EMAIL: -CLINIC: 711 PORT ROAD, WOODVILLE PARK, SA 5011. -PARKING ON-SITE-,138.599959,10z
Phone: Phone: 08-8244 2442 Mobile: 0418 895 070
Fax Number: Fax: 08-8244 2442
Business Hours: 9 AM TO 7PM